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How we work


We work;

  • On a free-lance basis.
  • By a signed agreement based on our general terms and conditions.
  • This agreement applies to all following orders.
  • Attached to the written order (e-mail is acceptable) should be your reference-number.
  • Our communication will mainly be spoken (direct or by phone) or written (e-mail).
  • Based on your information we estimate the number of required hours we need for the job.
  • At the halfway stage we will inform you if the estimation was right or if less or more hours are needed .
  • You than have the possibility to stop or continue the project.
  • An earlier stop is possible, but then we have to charge you 25% of the remaining halfway hour-budget .
  • Billing will be done by us every month, by means of a PDF-attachment to an e-mail.

    Applied to all our services are the Dutch Regulations governing the regulations governing relations between clients and consulting engineers R.V.O.I. and, in deviation from and/or in addition to R.V.O.I. 1987, by the standard General Conditions of T.M.C. Bartholomeus, trading under the name of Thermass Innovations B.V., registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the region of Zuid Limburg, the Netherlands, under number 14074773
    General terms and Conditions of T.M.C. Bartholomeus
“Never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.”
Thomas A. Edison